
The projects and contributions area at
Revision as of 05:48, 26 March 2012 by Gongmaster (talk | contribs)
  • A place to play.
  • A place to spawn new pages.
  • A place to test what works.

Setting up for spam filters....

See whether these exist....

Setting up templates for submissions and linkings

Let's test it: Ephemera rectoA anim 125.gif

...and Ephemera02

Creating Collection of Tim Blickhan

Video experiments

Can we use HTML5 as hinted at elsewhere?

Take 1: HTML5 tagging <video>

     <source type="video/mp4" src="Relache_039_Dance.mp4" />
     <source type="video/ogv" src="Relache_039_Dance.ogv" />

</video> Hmmm. Need to install some stuff....

Take 2: mwEmbed/Kaltura

It seems this has been displaced by commercial elements.

Take 3: HTML5video extension

<HTML5video autoplay="false">Relache_039_Dance</HTML5video>

Uploaded three versions of the video:

  1. Relache_039_Dance.mp4
  2. Relache_039_Dance.ogv
  3. Relache_039_Dance.webm

Hopeful, but challenged. Results so far:

  • Safari 5.1.4 = Yes! At least, on the Mac....
  • Firefox 11.0 = N0 :-(
  • IE 7 = Nope